Denodo: A Successful Data Strategy for Insurers in Volatile Times

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Data is an insurer’s most valuable asset. And capitalizing on all of that stored and incoming data to draw valuable insights for business decisions is what ultimately makes a competitive difference. But insurers face challenges when it comes to digitizing their data architectures as most rely on traditional systems and data integration processes that are time consuming and slow.

This is why insurance organizations need a flexible and an easily adaptable data integration technology, such as data virtualization, that allows them to keep up with the ever-changing data environment. Tune in to this webinar to see how data virtualization can support your organization not only on a journey to digitization, but also on any future changes and innovations by adding agility, flexibility and efficiency to your data architecture.

What you can learn:

• Find out why data virtualization should be a part of your enterprise data strategy.
• See how this technology can help you capitalize on your data.
• Hear customer stories of those already leveraging the Denodo Platform for Data Virtualization and the benefits they're observing.