Gartner Symposium
This is the world's most important gathering of CIOs and Senior IT Executives. It is a five day long event takes place in Barcelona around the end of each year. Innovative approaches to old challenges will be provided by Gartner analysts, industry experts and cutting-edge solution providers.
This event will have everything, from the latest advice and most practical solutions to good networking and talented motivators. The Gartner Symposium looks to merge strategic and inspirational leaders to leave all its visitors both knowledgable and confident.
Hoping the title is close to what Plato would have defined as a symposium, there will probably be some wine. You can also expect talking about how we can get better at understanding technology and data.
Strata Data Conference
O'Reilly and Cloudera have joined forces to really drive home the accessibility of big data, cutting-edge data science and business fundamentals. Merging the world's smartest data scientists and business strategists, the conference aims to help people build successful, data driven project and organisations.
With events in New York in September, San Francisco in March and London in April, the conference aims to be open to as many people in the Western world as it can.
O'Reilly also holds a lot of other fantastic events, including their Artificial Intelligence Conference next April, which will cover bases like AI, deep learning models, NLP, chatbots, using the cloud and affordable AI-capable products. Another great event is JupyterCon, a joint project between O'Reilly Media, Project Jupyter and the NumFOCUS Foundation, next August. This conference is about transforming data into a competitive advantage, granting people the tools for self-documenting analysis, transforming workflows and building organisation-wide collaborations.
Each conference has a link in their names in the article, and to save 20% on most passes use the discount code PCEM360.
IP Expo Europe
Europe's number one IT enterprise event, the next IP Expo event will take place at ExCel, London, and is only a short 99 days away. Last year's event was further filled with a slew of incredibly distinguished speakers, such as Professor Brian , Microsoft's Brad Anderson and Berkeley's Stuart Russell, to name a few.
The expo aims to increase the efficiency and scale of attendee's IT in their business. Understanding areas of the tech industry like the cloud, infrastructure, data centres, wireless technology and working collaboratively with technology.
Industry of Things World
The 4th Industrial Revolution is among us, will you fight? Or will you miss out on a fantastic event? Coming in late September in Berlin, Germany, people have the chance to go to Europe's number one industrial IoT show.
Industry of Things World produces knowledge exchange platforms of international scales, with over a thousand high-level executives contributing and playing an active role in the Industrial Internet of Things scene. All the bases are covered in the event: cloud, robotics, automation, standards, interoperability, security and yes, even data. It's not an event worth missing with an advisory board consisting of members from Nestle, Hewlett Packard and Shell.
Women of Silicon Roundabout 2018
It's not too late! This event takes place this week at the ExCel in London, with over 3000 confirmed tech leaders and professionals offering inspiring keynotes, deep insight into tech trends and business strategy. There will be talks, workshops, stands and hopefully a lot of glass ceilings breaking.
If c-suite officers and high-level leaders from Facebook, Bloomberg, Starling Bank, Microsoft, Oracle and eBay doesn't seem like your kind of thing, the event will also have two Baronesses speaking. This includes Joanna Shields, the Prime Minister's Special Representative on Internet Safety.
Infosecurity Europe
Everyone and everything you need to know in information security. Infosecurity (shortened to Infosec by those cool enough to attend multiple times) offers a comprehensive program that is a conference and a half.
With over 400 exhibitors and nearly 20,000 information security professionals, you are bound to leave with way more in your hands and head than when you enter. The Infosecurity Group have over 23 years of experience in providing year-round education and networking opportunities for visitors, solution-providers and thought-leaders.
The event has sadly passed this year but they will be right back next June, giving you plenty of time to prepare for and anticipate some of the speakers and exhibits Infosec will have to offer.
Trend Hunter London Innovation Conference
Who said there can't be accelerationism in conferences? On the 5th of July Europe's top innovators will hit London for a 1 Day Accelerated Program, experiencing and setting some of the strongest and wackiest trends we should keep our eyes on. The event has a high return rate and has been described by 85% of its attendees as the best business event they've ever attended.
One of the alluring things about the conference is its heavily content-driven program, full of engaging speakers, multi-media rich trend presentations and data-driven research. Each year is also accompanied by a list of megatrends, each proving to change the world every day and being worth following.
Asides from pure inspiration, the conference looks to arm attendees with a toolkit of resources to turn that inspiration into practical and tactical action. This is an event that companies like Budweiser and Coca Cola have expressed would benefit all senior executives hugely from attending.
IoT Tech/AI Expo - Europe 2018
Every year RAI Amsterdam hosts the leading event series on all things tech around the end of this month. The sheer scale is impressive to even think about: Three co-located events, 18 conferences, 12,000 attendees, over 300 speakers and 300 exhibitors.
As the title of the expo clearly states, it's a couple of days of either understanding where all walks of life find their place in IoT or AI. What's more is that tech startups are only the obvious first demographic that would find an interest in this expo, beyond that it also caters to government and public sectors, marketing, healthcare, finance, energy and even transport.
It's a day of fun, energy and wonder, as an entire convention centre is filled out with leaders and common workers alike, all equally interested in figuring out what the next steps are to take their businesses to the future.
Open Networking Summit
Integrate, automate, accelerate, these are the words that accompany the event's title everywhere. Open Networking Summit is the industry's premier open networking event, where enterprises and service and cloud providers come to share ideas and grow as business-minded people.
Starting in September, the ONS will look to bring together tech and non-tech people to form a hybrid world of tech businesses that are accessible and non-tech businesses that are embracing technological innovation.
EmTech Asia
The conference in Asia that attracts all the world's most influential leaders and innovators. This event is quite well known on social media due to high-engagement, consistently offering over half of its attendees to be Senior Management and people other attendees could learn deeply from.
With over 40 world class speakers, it's an event that promises highly interesting ideas delivered by highly reputable people. It attracts people from inside the tech industry and outside where tech is prevalent, aiming to showcase the ingenuity of the 10 innovators under 35 who are leaders in their field. Come see it in just six months.
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