Having a transparent view of your organisation’s activity is essential to avoiding risk but, sadly, very few IT professionals have this privilege. In fact, only 24% of professional IT respondents use preventative practices to mitigate zero-day vulnerabilities. Furthermore, 74% of respondents do not use an auditing solution to detect the symptoms of insider threats, data infiltration or lateral movement in their account directories. The problem is that many organisations are using outdated authentication protocols such as Lan Manager or NTLMv1. By using older systems, companies are only holding themselves back and actually making their environment more vulnerable to cyberattacks. Finding a solution is hard, but ManageEngine is here to help. 

The answer is AD Audit Plus: an easy to install, easy to use software that instantly meets audit requirements. Decision making has never been easier as it utilises more than 200 predefined and out-of-the-box reports, assesses the inherent risks from users and systems and proactively detects and hunts anomalies. Want to find out more?

Check out this interactive whitepaper where we breakdown the faults of using outdated software and the solutions you need in 2021.

Read the Interactive Whitepaper