Kirsten Wolberg is the CTO and COO of DocuSign, a digital suite of software applications for automating processes like contract generation and electronic signature acquisition. Since earning her BSc in Business Administration from the University of Southern California, as well as her MBA from the J.L. Kellogg School for Management, Kirsten has asserted herself as a leader in the technology and information security environment.

A Track Record of Excellent Leadership

Kirsten has years of industry experience under her belt, starting with VP and senior associate positions with various banking and financial companies in her early career. In 2001, she became VP of Technology for the Charles Schwab company, where she helped to lead application development and production strategies for the team. 

This led to a new position with Salesforce in 2008, as a Chief Information Officer. Here, Wolberg helped to lead the Salesforce IT organisation into the cloud environment. Between 2012 and 2017, Kirsten was also a VP for Technology with PayPal.

As a VP, Kirsten led a range of chief operating functions for the PayPal, including planning, acquisitions, mergers, technology strategy, and more. Then, in 2017, Wolberg's DocuSign journey began as Chief Technology and Operations Officer. Today, she’s helping the company excel in offering excellent tools for digital contract management. 

Years of Experience and Insight

Kirsten is a valuable member of the DocuSign team, thanks to her passion, imagination, and background in the technology industry. 

Aside from acting as CTO and COO for DocuSign, Kirsten is an active Board Member for the Year-Up organisation. This nonprofit aims to provide urban adults with the skills they need to reach their potential. Wolberg is also a Board Member for JVS – San Francisco, a nonprofit helping people to find jobs and develop skills. What's more,  Kirsten has been the Board Director for Sallie Mae since 2016.