We talk all things Unified Communications with Director of Emerging Technology at IMCCA.org David Danto!
Consultant, Analyst and Director of Emerging Technology of Unified Communications (UC) nonprofit Interactive Multimedia and Collaborative Communications Alliance David Danto has over three decades of experience providing problem solving leadership and innovation for firms in the corporate, broadcasting and academic worlds. Due to his extensive knowledge of the industry, Danto has been a member of InfoComm International’s educational Adjunct Faculty since 2007, and has been recognised by them as one of only eighteen Emerging Technology Fellows. In addition, Danto works as a principal consultant with Dimension Data, a global leader in ICT services and solutions, is a popular industry blogger and had served on and/or created several manufacturer advisory boards for firms including AVI-SPL, BlueJeans, Plantronics, Polycom, and Ricoh. We were lucky enough to catch up with Danto and talk all things UC from industry challenges, technology mistakes, smarter working strategies, future tools and more. You are bound to be riveted for this interview. If you want to hear more from Danto follow him on Twitter and be privy to great humour such as this.
Smarter working embraces the concept that work is what you do not where you go.
Want to know more about UC? Read about our top 10 UC influencers. Liked this interview? Listen to our discussions with Futurist Daniel Burrus or data rights activist Richie Etwaru.