Putting in place an architecture that enables a full mixed IoT/IoE strategy to be implemented will be key to how well organisations perform in the future. Quocirca proposes a basic architecture to help organisations avoid the many pitfalls of embracing the IoT across their own networks and beyond. In this whitepaper:

  • What Iot means
  • The issues of the IoE
  • The wrong architecture
  • IoT aggregators
  • Using aggregators as intelligent systems
  • What this means to the over-all IoE aggregators
  • The Iot/IoE reference architecture

The IoE is already here – it is big, and it is growing. Getting the architecture to deal with it will be very costly – in many cases, the costs of replacing bad architectures could break a company. Get it right from the start – embrace change, while ensuring that data traffic is minimised and security is maximised.