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data leakages

Data leakages are unauthorised or unintended exposures of sensitive information, compromising security and privacy. 

These breaches can occur through cyberattacks, misconfigured systems, insider threats, or human errors, with the consequences ranging from financial losses and reputational damage to legal ramifications. 

Preventing data leakages is a top priority for the biggest companies in the world but as technology advances, the challenge of safeguarding data becomes increasingly complex, demanding continual vigilance and adaptation to stay ahead of evolving threats and protect the integrity of personal, corporate, and societal information.

In this Emerge5, we explore the 5 best ways to combat, mitigate and even prevent data leakages.


Data Detection and Response

Data Detection and Response (DDR) solutions represent a progression from conventional data leak prevention strategies by emphasizing data-centricity. This approach offers broader visibility compared to the limited scope of traditional Data Loss Prevention (DLP), enhancing its dependability.

Rather than depending solely on identifying established patterns, DDR solutions leverage sophisticated methods like machine learning and behavioural analytics to uncover irregular actions, suspicious trends, and potential data breach endeavours. Consequently, the DDR methodology excels in detecting and mitigating zero-day exploits, making it more adept at addressing emerging threats.

Attack Surface Monitoring

As per Gartner, leading cybersecurity analysts, the expansion of attack surfaces emerged as a prominent security and risk management trend in 2022. This rise in risks was amplified by the utilization of IoT devices, cloud apps, open-source code, and even social media. 

The remedy doesn't involve shrinking digital presence; rather, organizations should assume accountability and enhance their ability to recognize possible weak points and avenues that attackers might manipulate.


Endpoint Protection

The escalating proliferation of endpoints across global organizations has raised substantial concerns over the years. Traditional approaches to address cybersecurity challenges stemming from this issue have included antivirus software, host-based firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and other signature-based security measures.

However, these strategies have not yielded the anticipated level of success. According to one report, 85% of organizations anticipate their security systems to experience a compromising attack within the next year, with 34% admitting to inadequate visibility into their endpoint landscape.

To avert data leakages, organizations must prioritize advanced endpoint protection solutions to effectively counter malware, unauthorized access, and data exfiltration risks.


Privileged Access Management

The group most susceptible to detrimental data leaks comprises individuals possessing privileged access to vital systems and information. Consequently, attackers find it considerably simpler to pinpoint and exploit vulnerabilities among users with heightened access privileges.

In addition to implementing robust authentication and authorization protocols, it is prudent to allocate privileged access strictly as required and subject it to continuous monitoring.

Data Leakage Prevention Policy

Across all domains, organizations are steered by policy documents, and data security must not be an exception, particularly in the context of data leakages. As indicated by the Ponemon Institute's 2022 report on the Cost of Insider Threats, businesses face an average annual expense of $15.4 million due to insider threats, of which 56% stem from carelessness.

A vital initial measure in countering risks posed by inattentive insiders is the comprehensive implementation of a company-wide data leakage prevention policy. Ideally, such a policy should outline permissible data usage, educate staff on optimal data security practices, and establish well-defined incident response protocols to effectively manage instances of data leakage.

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