Top 5 Benefits of Citizen Development

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The majority of businesses are interested in application development; however, IT departments are strapped for resources and time to achieve these demands. Citizen developers can help meet the demand for building applications faster and with fewer resources by simply offering a helping hand. With their little to no coding knowledge, they can use tools like low code and no-code development platforms to build apps allowing resources to be freed up for other projects that IT is focusing on.

Using Citizen Development to Provide Developers with a Helping Hand

Within the framework of many businesses, IT developers are exhausted, overworked and stressed. If citizen developers can offer a helping hand to application developers, it means that workloads will be more evenly distributed, money is saved on employing additional programmers and less stress is placed on the developers. We have identified five key areas where citizen development can provide benefits to your business.

Relieve Stress from IT

IT has to develop enterprise-wide solutions. They have limited resources, funding is a nightmare, and poor communication from top management slows down everything. Therefore, if you bring in citizen development, employees can build apps without relying on IT, thus giving them more breathing room which means that IT priorities don't slow down and impact business initiatives. Also, low-code tools require minimal or no training, which plays into that benefit of ease of use.

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Facilitate Digital Transformation

Digital transformation has become a bit of a buzzword, but its underlying intention still rings true. Organisations want to integrate an innovative digital culture within their business, leading to true digital transformation. Every employee should have a digital culture where they can discuss innovation with their leaders, and the business leaders then, in turn, can encourage their employees to take risks and learn. Digital culture is all about experimentation and collaboration, which is where citizen development can help build an innovation-focused culture by democratising app development.

Align Business Leaders and IT

We have all experienced a miscommunication from lead management regarding actual deployment for achievable tasks. This is no exception in the tech space; some might even argue that it's more frequent. When it comes to developing an application or new resource that can benefit the company, the business users know what the program needs to do, but this can be difficult to explain to developers who do not have the knowledge of the business users. No-code and low code platforms allow users to build their apps or work more collaboratively with business leaders and users to jointly develop the application, thus reducing miscommunication.

Speed of Development

Everybody knows how tedious pro coding is, from writing code to debugging it. The benefits of a no-Code/low code option are that the tools themselves allow fewer customisations than your more standard programming languages, allowing users to plan applications in a more straightforward way. Therefore we see an uptick in time taken to develop applications, enabling business users to design and build with point-and-click actions.

Saving Money

IT is one of the largest areas for businesses to address potential skills gaps. Whenever there is a skills gap for any profession, in this case developers, the demand for them rises along with the salaries they can demand. A software developers salary was more than 100,000 dollars a year in 2020. Using a no-code solution doesn't fully replace a developer’s function within an organisation, but it costs less than hiring a new developer. This means that more urgent matters can be dealt with by the developers while the more simplistic tasks can be accomplished by employees who are less overworked.